Sunday, August 24, 2008

Seeing red?

I was just thinking about how we are caught up between two of the world's foremost ideals. Communism (eg China) and Capitalism (eg USA). For that matter, India is neither of the two.

Well my thoughts wandered into the symbols of both these ideals. I thought of some interesting similarities.

1. Communism is depicted by the colour red. The most popular symbol for capitalism (Coca Cola) is also red.

2. A commoner will have to wait in line for food in a communist nation. You do the same at McDonald's (except that you have a choice here).

So, it should not be a surprise that one of the world's most famous communists is also a profit making symbol for capitalists (Che Guevara).

Rise of Consumerism

Now, keeping the communists and capitalists aside and start my complaining again. (I have been doing a lot of that lately :P)
I have been thinking more about the rise of consumerism in India. The people of this country have now embraced the mall explosion. They shop more, eat out more and pay more for watching seemingly bad films. This is the new culture of urban and suburban India. I am worried.

So, the capitalists will be happy because they are earning more. The communists will be happy (although I have never seen them smile) because new jobs are being created (despite closing of the mills - well that's another story). Everyone wins. Well, almost everyone.

What lose out in this masquerade are the values. We have started spending more on things that we dont need. But the greed for materials is growing. We are becoming far more materialistic than we were and we aren't stopping.

So, I ask, do we need this pseudo-happiness given by materials?

What do we really need?

Everyone knows this answer: Air (which is free), Food, Water and Shelter.
Everything else is a luxury. No arguments.

People tell me stuff like: "I need my cellphone, I cant live without it" or "Having a car is a necessity now"
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We are not only becoming heavy consumers but now the materials own us.

When you need your cell phone, one thing is clear. The cell phone owns you and not the other way round. That is because YOUR CELL PHONE DOES NOT NEED YOU. You are its slave. You are so dependent on it that you fear life without it. Side effects of consumerism.

Mini(malistic) Me

So, now you might have understood that I am a sort-of minimalist. I am not totally detached from materials but I feel less materials is better. I like to live an uncluttered life.

Oh alright, I do like to indulge sometime but I try to keep myself from being a slave to my possessions. I like to be me without some material extensions of myself. 100% Apurv.

This should also explain the new minimalistic design to my blog. :D

You may read a related post on consumerism: Consumerism
